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Busy, busy

Yesterday I had my first hearing test since my surgery in December. I don’t remember the actual numbers, mostly because I don’t understand them, but the upshot is there’s a “clear improvement” in my hearing. Apparently my right ear is still quite a bit stronger than my left ear, but the operated ear is approaching normal hearing. I’ve been told that it could get better still in the coming months, but even if it doesn’t, I’m pleased with the results.

In other news, although the dishwasher was indeed repaired last week, the fix didn’t last longer than one wash, so we’ve still been washing by hand. The repair guy came just a few minutes ago to give it another try, so keep your fingers crossed that this time it sticks.

I’m home for another three weeks before my next trip to Uppsala, and I really need to get the bulk of my thesis written in that time. My preliminary deadline isn’t until the first of April, but March is going to be extremely busy with a trip to England and at least one other trip to the university for seminars and meetings. The final deadline is mid-May, but my supervisor needs a finished manuscript six weeks earlier in order for her to read it and give me feedback for the final polish. I’d hoped to be able to churn out five pages per day, but it’s looking like two or three is going to be the most I can hope for. I did get the books I’d been waiting for, and have also found another couple of texts that should be pretty useful. I think I’ll need to make one more quick trip to the archives, to photograph a couple of documents that I missed on my earlier visits.

The stress is starting to set in a little, but I still feel as though I’m in pretty good shape to come up with a solid finished product in two months’ time. Just gotta keep on keepin’ on.