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Worky, worky

I was very industrious today, putting in a few solid hours working on my thesis. My page count thus far is six or seven, which means I’m ten percent done! Yeah, that’s pretty daunting. Not too daunting, though — yet? — as I’ve still got a good six weeks until I need to submit it, then I’ll have time for revisions before the final submission in mid-May. I still can’t believe how many hours of work go into just one page of text, Part of what slows me down is that I’m very much an edit-as-I-go type of writer, so at least I can say that what I’ve got down so far is pretty much in finished form.

I have to tell you, I am so fascinated by “my” priest; I think I could make an entire career researching and writing his life story. I’d tell you more about him, but, well … spoilers. Just believe me when I say that it’s a story worth reading about. I feel very fortunate to have stumbled upon such a rich character. It does creep me out some, though, to think about some scholar looking into all the details of my life, sordid and otherwise, some three hundred years from now. It also makes me think I should keep a thorough diary of absolutely everything, just to help that someday researcher on her way (what I wouldn’t give for my priest to have kept a journal!).

The absolute worst part about this thesis-writing is that I’m working in Microsoft Word … gah. I suppose at least I’m learning all over again to be thankful for Linux. I complained to Olof today about some quirk or other in Windows taking me longer to sort out than it had done to write an entire page earlier in the day. He just chuckled wryly and said he could tell I didn’t work with Windows very often. Against his deeply-held principles, he works all day with Microsoft products, and he told me that he sometimes counts the time lost to Microsoft inefficiency in days rather than hours. Double gah.

4 thoughts on “Worky, worky

  1. Whyred not LaTex if you know your way around Linux? I wish I would have the energy to make the leap from Word to LaTex.

  2. I’m interested to give it a try (and Olof would be thrilled if I did!), but my thesis supervisor wants a Word document. The department has a template, so in theory it’s easy enough, but Windows is absolutely not my friend.

  3. I was also going to suggest LaTex. But word documents are easier for a supervisor to look over and write comments in than a pdf document.

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