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I’ve spent most of today trying to talk Tage into pulling out his very loose tooth, but he will not be persuaded. It’s one of the top middle teeth, and it’s so loose that it flaps in and out when he talks and he looks like the worst kind of hillbilly, but he will. not. pull. it. He won’t let me pull it, either, and it’s driving me CRAZY. When I was a kid I would spend hours working on a newly loose tooth — pushing and pulling and twisting and turning it — until finally I managed to pry the reluctant bit from my mouth. I can’t understand a kid who leaves a tooth until it falls out with no effort on his part at all. Where’s his initiative?

2 thoughts on “Wheedling

  1. You know what I always did…hehehe…I would get a tissue (for grip) and say “Just let me feel it.” And I really only did feel it. Just got a firm grip. Then I would poke them in the ribs with my finger! Lol, both kids being very ticklish, they’d spaz and out the tooth would come. They usually didn’t even realize it as I continued to tickle them and they laughed. Then I’d say “Look what you did!” It’s worked every time. Maybe your kids are smarter than mine, but it’s worth a try. You could probably get each one of them at least once. 😀

  2. I was afraid of pulling too. So my mom used to give me a tall glass of warm salt water and make me swish around hard in my mouth, spit, swoosh until it fell out.

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