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Today was such a gorgeous day, easily the most beautiful Easter weather in all the years I’ve lived in Sweden. The temperature was in the high teens Celsius (60s F), and there were nothing but clear blue skies as far as the eye could see. We sat on Olof’s parents’ porch in our shirtsleeves and soaked up the sun while first watching the kids hunt eggs then eating our lunch. As if all that weren’t enough, the Braves play an afternoon game today, so I get to watch it live, in just about an hour. This is a Saturday I can get behind.

Ready and waiting

Hunting eggs




Asbjørn and Lucy

Olof and Brynja

Yrsa and Elin

*Easter Eve — Swedes generally celebrate holidays on the eve, rather than on the day itself.

3 thoughts on “Påskafton*

  1. Best Easter “card” I’ve seen. What a gorgeous day. I love reading about and seeing your family photos. These pictures are a treat. I like Tage’s long hair! The baby looks like she is thinking rather profound thoughts!

  2. The kids all so big… having followed for so long, and taking a bit of break while wrapped in my own, I guess I still think of them as babies.

    Time is just going by too fast!

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