I am so glad it’s Friday because that means I don’t have to set my alarm for the next two days. On “school days” I get up at 7:20 to get Lydia up and ready and out the door, and every single morning it’s a struggle for me to get out of bed that early. I tell you, the only thing that propels me to my feet most mornings is the thought that I can crawl back into bed as soon as she’s left for school. Lucky for me, Tage is a sleeper-in extraordinaire, so I can often get another couple of hours in before he wakes me up. Both of my kids are good at sleeping late, actually. I will never forget when Lydia, then four, “read” her new time-telling book to me, saying brightly, “Eleven o’clock, time to wake up!” She hit that one right on the mark.
I had planned for today to be a more productive day, as Olof’s mom was coming to take Tage for a few hours this afternoon. After not having a break from the kids for three days, though, I did nothing more during those hours than sit on the couch with my book and a cup of hot tea close by. Ah well, it did my soul–if not my cluttered-up house–a whole lotta good.
I did manage to do a bit of “work,” updating my kids’ webpages for the first time in five months. I made three new Tage pages, here, here, and here, and one new Lydia page, here. Lydia’s still in her “don’t take my picture” phase, thus her one new page to Tage’s three. I think I used every single picture I’d taken of her since May, while I waded through scores upon scores of Tage’s pictures before narrowing my selection down to those on the pages. I’m sure it will all even itself out in the long run, so no point feeling too much mother-guilt about it.