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Another visit to Umeå

Not for the ear doctor this time, but to see the neurologist and finally get my MRI results from October. I was dreading it a bit, partly because you just never know, and partly because our last discussions were a tad on the contentious side. The news was good, however, showing no new MS activity since my last MRI a year previous! Also good was the doctor’s sense of humor; he delivered the report with an ironic chuckle and the line, “vilket är acceptabelt, måste jag faktiskt säga”*.

He also pointed out that I’ve had only one new lesion in the past four-and-a-half years (and perhaps longer, as it had been years before that since I’d had an MRI), and that currently there’s no reason to suggest more treatment than the vitamin-D mega-dose I’m currently taking. I’ve felt all along that I’m doing well, but it’s so good to have hard facts to back me up. Go, me!

*”Which is acceptable, I must admit.” Somehow it sounds funnier in Swedish.

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