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Bright side

I’m sure you’ll be relieved to know that the newspaper did take away any mention of snow from the five-day forecast, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still darn wintry out there.  The current temperature, at five in the evening, is 6°C (42°F), and it’s been pouring down a bone-chilling rain all day.  We actually had a fire in the woodstove this afternoon.

I’m not loving this weather, obviously, but I have to say that I’m not hating it as much as most everyone else seems to be.  After several years of life in the far north, I’ve learned not to complain too much about the weather, because it can always–and frequently does–get worse, and really, what’s so terrible about spending a day curled up with a nice warm laptop and a cup of tea and not feeling one whit of guilt over your kids staying in all day playing Nintendo?